Friday, September 18, 2009


Preparing for InstallationIf you plan to erase your hard disk or archive your current system without preservingyour users and network settings, you’ll need to note your current network settings tomake it easier to get connected again after installing Mac OS X. Go to SystemPreferences > Network, and then check for these settings:

If your network uses: Write down the following:
Ethernet, DSL, or cableconnected via DHCPNothing. DHCP
automatically configures your Internet connection.AirPort connected via DHCPAirPort or wireless network name and password provided by yourAirPort network administratorEthernet, DSL, or cableconnected manuallyInternet Protocol (IP) address (number that looks like 12.345.56.789)Subnet mask (number that looks like address (number that looks like Name System (DNS) servers (optional number that lookslike, and name that looks like domains (optional name that looks like modemTelephone number, user name, and password provided by yourservice providerDNS servers (optional number that looks like, andname that looks like domains (optional name that looks like

Installing Mac OS XTo begin a custom installation of Mac OS X Leopard, follow these steps.

Step 1: Insert the Mac OS X Install discDouble-click the Install Mac OS X icon, and then click Restart. The installer opensautomatically when your computer restarts.WARNING: If you’re installing Mac OS X on your current Mac OS X startup disk, let theinstaller finish. If you quit, you may not be able to start up using your currentMac OS X startup disk.Double-click this iconon the Install disc.Click Restartto begin.

Step 2: Follow the onscreen instructionsSelect the language you want to use, and then click the forward arrow. The Welcomescreen appears.The installer guides you through the installation process. Refer to the sections thatfollow for information about selecting a destination when you have more than onevolume, selecting installation options, and selecting additional software to install.

Step 3: Select a destinationOn the “Select a Destination” pane, select the volume on which you want to installMac OS X. The screen tells you how much space is required for installation.

Step 4:
Select how you want to install Mac OS XClick the Options button to select “Archive and Install” or “Erase and Install.”
One of thefollowing screens appears:Select how you want to install Mac OS X, and then click OK. Click Continue when you’reready to proceed to the next pane.Install Mac OS XThis option appears if you don’t have Mac OS X installed on your computer or you havean early version of Mac OS X (v10.2.8) that can’t be upgraded.
Select this option toinstall Leopard on your computer.Archive and InstallSelect this option if you want to install a fresh system on your computer.“Archive and Install” moves your existing Mac OS X system files to a folder namedPrevious System, and then installs a new copy of Mac OS X on the selected volume.
Mac OS X–installed applications, such as Address Book and Safari, are archived, andnew versions are installed in the Applications folder.
Unless you choose “Preserve Users and Network Settings,” user accounts and theirhome folders are also archived in the Previous System folder.This is selected ifMac OS X is alreadyinstalled on the volume.This is selected if Mac OS Xisn’t installed.

Select the “Preserve Users and Network Settings”checkbox to import your existing useraccounts, home folders, and network settings into the new system.
User accountsinclude such things as:
 Home folders and their contents
 Preference settings
 Address Book databases
 Browser favorites
 Network settings and locations
“Preserve Users and Network Settings” also copies the existing Shared folder in theUsers folder to your new system.
Note: You can’t start up your computer using the Previous System folder, but settings,preference files, fonts, plug-ins, and other items remain available in case you needthem.
Some applications, plug-ins, and other software may have to be reinstalled after an“Archive and Install.” Fonts that were installed in the Fonts folder in the top-levelLibrary folder can be installed in your new system by copying them from the PreviousSystem folder.
Erase and Install
This method completely erases the destination volume, and then installs a new copy ofMac OS X

Step 5: Select additional software packages to install
The default installation contains all the software you need to use Mac OS X. However,the Mac OS X Install disc contains additional software—such as printer drivers, fonts,and language translations—that you may want to install. To see the available packages,click Customize on the Install Summary screen.The Custom Install pane appears, as shown on the following page. Click the arrowsto reveal specific components. Select the software you want to install, and thenclick Done.WARNING: If you erase the destination volume, everything on the volume—youruser accounts, network settings, and all of your files and folders—will be deleted.If necessary, quit the installer and back up your files before you erase the destinationvolume.

Note: You can always use the Mac OS X Install disc to install additional softwarepackages later.When you’re ready to install Mac OS X and the selected software, click Install on theInstall Summary screen.Click the arrow toreveal components.All componentswill be installed.Only the selectedcomponents willbe installed.

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