Thursday, July 9, 2009


1.)What are the major activities of an Operating System with regards to PROCESS MANAGEMENT?

-Process creation
-Process creation and deletion
-Process suspesion and resumption
-Provision of mechanism for:-Process synchronization
-Process communication
-Deadlock handling

2.)What are the major activities of an Operating System with regards to MEMORY MANAGEMENT?

-To improve both CPU utilization and response speed,several programs are kept in memory.
-Keep track of which parts of memory are currently being used and by whom.
-Decide which process to load when memory space becomes available.
-Allocate and Deallocate memory space as needed.

3.)What are the major activities of an Operating System with regards to SECONDARY-STORAGE MANAGEMENT?

-Free space management
-Storage allocation
-Disk scheduling

4.)What are the major activities of an Operating System with regards to FILE MANAGEMENT?

-File creation and deletion
-Derictory creation and deletion
-Support of primitives for manipulating files and directories
-File backup on stable storage media
-Mapping files onto secondary storage

5.)What is the purpose of the COMMAND INTERPRETER?

It reads commands from the user or from a file of commandsand executes them, usually by
turning them into one or more systemcalls. It is usually not part of the kernel since the
command interpreteris subject to changes.

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